Oil Painting Class
Oil Painting Class
Weekly Oil Painting Schedule
Weekly Class Tuition
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1 Class
3 Hour Class
Monthly Plan
2-Hour or 90-Minutes
1 Class
2-Hour or 90-Minutes
2-Hour or 90-Minutes
Monthly Plan
Oil Painting Supply List
Students are required to bring their own supplies or pay the $8/class materials fee.

Oil painting
supply list
Panels (canvas or primed), stretched canvas, or canvas pads (Frederiks)
Optional sizes: 8×10, 11×14, 12×16, up to 16×20
Oil Paint, professional grade recommended
Colors: White, Yellow, Red, and Blue.
- Titanium White,
- Lemon Yellow and/or Cadmium Yellow Light
- Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson
- Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue
Masterson Plastic Palette Box w/palette paper or glass
Assorted long handle brushes
- Filbert, Flats, Rounds in Sizes 12-8 Hog bristle
- Filbert, Flats, Rounds in Sizes 8-2 Natural bristles
Airtight Turp Container
The Art Studio discourages the use of solvents but if necessary, odorless mineral spirits are tolerated in an airtight container.
Age refined Linseed Oil
Or gel medium like Rublev Oleogel, or Gamblin Solvent Free Gel
Palette Knife
diamond shape for mixing paint
Paper Towels (cloth-like: Viva or blue shop towels)
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